Pure Dance Omaha

Due to concerns over COVID-19 Pure Dance Omaha is being rescheduled for
later in 2021. Check back soon for a new date!
We're so excited to have Mario back in Omaha for some great workshops.
Don't miss out on this great dance opportunity.
Pro Level Instruction right here at home!
Visit the Events Page or click for
[more information......]
Youth Ballroom Lessons on HOLD
Marty is teaching youth ballroom classes, for Arts in Motion. Classes are held at Beveridge Middle school on 120th Street.

Classes are held Saturdays. Winter Session 2020 starts Saturday January 18th thru March 14th (no class on 2/1/20). The cost is $75 for 9 weeks of instruction.
For more information please call the Arts in Motion at 402.932.0796 or visit their website
[artsinmotionomaha website]